
Showing posts from April, 2022


The point of this is not a sense of nostalgia ("let's turn the clock back to the good ol' times when people learned through dictionaries and university courses".) I strongly believe the best learning resource out there - bar none - is YouTube. Duo can still be a useful resource, assuming the learner is aware of its weaknesses and doesn't rely excessively on it. First, Duolingo often gets a near immunity from criticism because it's free and focused on education. However, Duo does exactly what you'd expect a company prioritizing profit would: constant advertising based on half truths and removal of features without notification. (Duo's profit was 161.7 million USD in 2020.) Second, Duolingo has proven to be effective in teaching people at the beginner level, but exactly because it relies a lot on memorizing and translation and doesn't offer original content it might prove to be a shallow foundation for future progress.  Third, despite appearances Duo